понедељак, 31. октобар 2011.

26. th International Competition for Choreographers Hanover

The Ballet Society Hanover ("Ballett Gesellschaft Hannover") invites to the 26 th International Competition for Choreographers. It will take place on June 23 rd and 24 th, 2012. Place of the event is the "Theater am Aegi"
Please, return
applications in writing with the enclosed form until Mai 04 th, 2012.

Application documents


Since 25 years the Ballet Society Hanover organizes this International Competition. Within the last years, the competition has grown strongly to an important event in the National and International dance scene. We are proud about the following statement: "This is the most interesting, well organized, progressive choreographic competition in central Europe and has gained an International reputation. It is a privilege to have been part of this renowned competition, a platform for artistic exchanges. The support of the Ballet Society Hanover for the world of dance is paramount!" Richard Wherlock, director of Ballet Basel.
These are the competition guidelines:
In order to take part in the competition, all participants, choreographers and dancers have to have a completed professional training. Choreographers cannot be older than 35 years. The length of the performance is limited from 5 to 15 minutes. A solo ballet cannot be interpreted by the choreographer him/herself. The choice of subject and music is of free choice. The choreographic work must be submitted on videotape/DVD.
This competition is open to all styles of ballet, but has to follow the guidelines of this competition.
Performances will be evaluated based on:
- the creative arrangement of space and time
- how the choreographer actualizes the idea and interprets it with the dancers
This year more choreographers than ever applied for participation in the competiton. Nearly 170 candidates were casted by the preselection committee.
The committee was represented by Ed Wubbe, Art Director of the competition, Pierre Wyss and Joerg Mannes.
The following choreographers were invited:
David Blazquez, engagiert: Staatsoper Hannover
Guillaume Côté, Kanada, engagiert: National Ballet of Canada
Moriel Debi, Brasilien, engagiert: Staatsoper Hannover
Gentian Doda, Albanien, freiberuflich
Noemie Ettlin, Schweiz, engagiert: Ballet National de Marseille
Timea Maday Kinga, Ungarn, freiberuflich
David Miklos Kerenyi, Ungarn, engagiert: Ungarisches National Ballett
Yevgeniy Kolesnik, Ukraine, engagiert: Royal Ballet of Flandre
Erion Kruja; Albanien, engagiert: Stadttheater Bern
Raymond Liew Jin Pin, Malaysia, Student an der Folkwang Hochschule
Or Marin, Israel, freiberuflich
Ihsan Rustem, England, engagiert: Tanz Luzerner Theater
Tom Rychetsky & Victor Konvalinka, Tschechei, engagiert: Ballet National Theatre Prague
Fang-Yu Shen, Taiwan, Student an der Folkwang Hochschule
Giuseppe Spota, Italien, engagiert: Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Ashley Wright, Australien, engagiert: Royal Ballet de Flandre
Anton Zvir, Russland, engagiert: Ballet Nationale de Marseille
A judging panel selected a maximum of 20 of the submitted works, which entered the contest on stage. The artistic director of this jury is Ed Wubbe, director of the Scapino Ballett.
The Jury 2011 were composed as follows:
- Eric Gauthier, Gauthier Dance, Stuttgart
- Kiri Haardt, Universität der Künste, Bern
- Jörg Mannes, Direktor Ballett Staatsoper Hannover
- Christian Spuck, Chefchoreograph Ballett Stuttgart
- Richard Wherlock, Direktor Ballett Basel
- Pierre Wyss,
- Ed Wubbe, Direktor Scapino Ballett Rotterdam
Critic Jury:
Kerstin Hergt, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung
Henning Queren, Neue Presse Hannover
Katja Werner
Klaus Witzeling
A total sum of Euro 13,500 were given to prize-winners 1-3. There is an additional prize awarded by the audience of Euro 1,000. Last but not least, a jury composed of renowned ballet critics awards another prize of Euro 1.500 in combination with the Scapino Production Prize.
International and National CooperationIn order to boost the chances of the award winning choreographers further the Ballet Company Hannover e.V. enters into partnerships with ensembles and institutions of the national and international dance scene. Through appearances with these cooperation partners the choreographers will become much better known in their field.

Repertoar za novembar 2011

Na repertoaru za mesec novembar Narodnog pozorišta, Bitef teatra, Opere i teatra Madlenianum i UK Vuk možete pogledati sledeće predstave:

01. Novembar, 2011 "Ko to tamo peva" Narodno pozorište

01. Novembar, 2011 Psi“ ERG status-UK Vuk

04. Novembar, 2011 “Božanstvena komedija” Bitef teatar

15. Novembar, 2011 “Aleksandar”- PREMIJERA Narodno pozorište

16. Novembar, 2011 “Alpha boys” Bitef teatar

18. Novembar, 2011 “Aleksandar” Narodno pozorište

22. Novembar, 2011 “Aleksandar” Narodno pozorište

23. Novembar, 2011 “Orfej u podzemlju” Madlenianum

26. Novembar, 2011 “Božanstvena komedija” Bitef teatar

29. Novembar, 2011 “Bajadera” Narodno pozorište

*Uvažićete naše izvinjenje u koliko dođe do bilo kakave promene u repertoaru kuća.

среда, 26. октобар 2011.


Dragi igrači,
na ovom linku možete pristupiti velikom broju informacija o održavanju potencijalnih audicija. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za neku od njih pogledajte "deadline" pošto su mnoge zapadne kompanije striktne po tome.

четвртак, 13. октобар 2011.

Nagrada "Terpsihora"

Udruženje profesionalnih baletskih igrača, koreografa i baletskih pedagoga Srbije Vas obaveštava o povlačenju Milene Jauković sa mesta člana žirija za dodelu Nagrade "Terpsihora".

U obrazloženju se navodi da kritičar dnevnog lista gospođa Jauković je u sukobu interesa pri izboru kandidata koji bi potencijalno bili nominovani za dodelu nagrade.

Na mesto člana žirija postavljen je gospodin Ronald Savković Prvak baleta i koreograf